
Founded in 1961, “大学 offers educational programs and experiences for 学生 to succeed in their education, progress in the workplace, and engage in the civic and cultural life of the community.

我们的学术课程包括 degrees, transfer programs and certificates to over 14,000 学生 of diverse backgrounds and 文化s, and from all over the 世界.


“大学 is an Accredited Institution

“大学 is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 10 Commercial Blvd.,套件 204, Novato, CA 94949, (415) 506-0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education 认证 and the U.S. 教育部. Additional information about accreditation, including the filing of complaints against member institutions, can be found at ACCJC.

In January 2016, the Commission reaffirmed “大学’s accreditation.

“大学 is also accredited by the Council on Dental Education, American Dental Association, the Committee on Allied Health Education and 认证 in collaboration with the American Hospital Health Information Management Association and the American 医疗援助协会. 
The Program in Nursing is accredited by the California Board of Registered Nursing.

“大学 is approved by the California State 教育部 and is a member of the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges and the Community 加州大学联盟.

The purposes of accreditation is to assure the public that the College:

  1. Evaluates its educational quality and institutional effectiveness, and
  2. Can provide assurance to the public that it meets the Standards of quality, and
  3. The education earned at the institutions is of value to the student who earned it.

“大学 meets the standards of the ACCJC’s 认证 Standards stated in the Manual for Institutional Self Evaluation, August 2014 and the Manual for Institutional 自我评价,2015年10月,at ACCJC.


愿景、使命 & 值语句

CLPC的CD Board Approved via 教育总体规划: 4/20/2021; CLPC的CD Board Approved: 6/15/2021


“大学 is a dynamic, student-centered community college that serves the educational, career, job skill, and personal development needs of our community. 我们提供文化上的 responsive, revitalizing, and sustaining learning and support services driven by a 公平目标. Building upon 学生’ strengths and voices, we empower 学生 to achieve their goals and lead us towards an equitable and sustainable 世界.


“大学 empowers 学生 to reach their academic and career goals and to lead in sustainability, innovation, and equity in their communities and the 世界.


  • Providing an environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, creativity, innovation, 批判性思维和公平.
  • Supporting the development of the whole person with compassion and care.
  • Providing quality and culturally responsive, revitalizing, and sustaining educational experiences that meet 学生 where they are and help them achieve their goals.
  • Providing opportunities for career exploration and career readiness based on self-knowledge, 兴趣、价值观和技能.
  • Holistically supporting 学生 and making learning accessible to all.


  • Establishing equity and inclusivity in our campus 文化, decision- making, policies, 和实践.
  • Treating one another with respect, dignity and integrity.
  • Providing a safe, welcoming, and well-maintained learning and working environment, free from anti-blackness and racism, discrimination, intimidation, harassment, and 欺凌.
  • Practicing our work in an ethical and reflective manner.
  • Honoring, respecting, and celebrating diversity, and valuing, in particular, the perspectives of those most impacted by systemic inequality.

Integrity: Individual and Collective Responsibility

  • Valuing broad participation and collaborating through open communication, professionalism, and commitment to working together.
  • Developing responsible and compassionate community members with a sense of individual 以及社会责任.
  • Adhering to the highest standards of ethics and public stewardship.
  • Providing resources to make it possible for 学生 to achieve their goals.

Innovation, Growth, and Sustainability

  • Fostering innovative instruction, student services, operations, and organizational 文化.
  • Advocating for change geared towards a just, equitable, and sustainable 世界.
  • Providing professional development and continued learning opportunities for all employees.